Mat Attachments
What are mat attachments?
Mat Attachments refer to a “part” or means by which manufacturers secure their factory floor mats to their vehicles’ floors. The use of mat attachments is relatively “new” to the automotive industry; however, as of late, it has become a staple aspect of floor mats for automobiles. Almost all cars made from 1999 to now will use some method to attach floor mats to the carpets. Some vehicles will only have them in the driver mat, and others will have them in all the mats. To keep things easy and simple, we refer to these attachments as “grommets” since, in most cases, we’ll use a metal grommet in our mats to work with the “hooks” or “posts” you have on your floors.
How do mat attachments work and what do they do?
From the factory, the carpeted floors of your vehicle (not the “floor mat” but the carpeting UNDER the floor mat) will have a Snap Post, Twist Post, Hook, or Velcro installed. The factory floor mat for your vehicle will have a “receiver” for the hook/ post to pass through the mat and secure it to the floor and prevent the floor mat from slipping.
What do they look like?
Almost every car manufacturer uses a different type of mat attachment method ranging from Snap Posts, Twist Posts, Hooks, or Velcro tabs. Not only does the type vary by manufacturer but also by model, chassis, or year manufactured. Due to the thickness of our mats, we developed several grommet “receivers” that work seamlessly with all factory attachments. Note that for BMW, from 2000 to the present day, we’ll use the same OEM-Spec Velcro attachment discs that BMW uses. Receivers

Snap Attachment 01

Snap Attachment 02

Twist Attachment

Hook Attachment

Velcro Attachment

Cocomat Attaching to Snap Attachments
Does know where the attachments go?
In most cases, yes! However, we may need to confirm attachment sizes, locations, or styles. If so, we will contact you to send a copy of our pattern to review, test fit, and confirm grommet locations. If the locations are wrong, we will work with you to custom-fit attachment locations for your mats.
How do I order mats with mat attachments?
When ordering mats for your car, you will be asked, “Does your vehicle have Floor Mat Attachments?” Select “Yes, Only Driver Side Mat Attachments.”
If you would like mat attachments in your front driver and front passenger mats, select “Yes, Driver Side + Front Passenger Mat Attachments” for an additional $25.
If you would like mat attachments installed in your rear mats, please get in touch with us to discuss pricing and availability.
How much is it going to cost?
Since your driver’s mat security is important to us, we do not charge to install mat attachments in them. However, note that if you’d like mat attachments installed in the front passenger side mat, there would be a $25.00 charge for parts and installation. We usually don’t install mat attachments into rear mats. However, if you would like them, please contact us to discuss pricing and availability.
Do I need mat attachments if my car doesn’t have any way to secure the mats to the floor?
Mat Attachments are unnecessary for many cars, including almost all vehicles made before 2000. With the combined strength, weight, rigidity, and custom fit, we’ve designed our mats to not slip or cause issues while driving. If you want Mat Attachments, but your vehicle does not have any installed, contact us to discuss After-Market Attachments available.
Further Questions?
If you have any questions, please contact us by email at or call us at 1(800)461-3533.